Choosing between Shopify and WordPress for your online store can be challenging. This article compares the two platforms, highlighting their key features, strengths, and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision based on your business needs.
Shopify vs WordPress A comprehensive comparison for 2024

Table of Contents

Launching an online store is a significant step for any business. With numerous eCommerce platforms available, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. Shopify and WordPress (with WooCommerce) are the most popular options. Both platforms offer distinct advantages and cater to different types of businesses.

Understanding Shopify

Shopify is a cloud-based, all-in-one eCommerce platform that requires no technical expertise to set up and manage. It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of built-in features, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

Key features of Shopify include:

Ease of use

Ease of use

Shopify boasts a user-friendly interface that requires minimal technical knowledge.

Built-in eCommerce tools

Built-in eCommerce tools

It offers a comprehensive suite of features, including product management, inventory tracking, order fulfilment, and payment processing.

Design flexibility

Design flexibility

Shopify provides a variety of customisable themes to suit different business styles.

App store

App store

A vast app store offers additional functionalities to enhance your store.

Understanding WordPress (with WooCommerce)

WordPress is a versatile content management system (CMS) that has gained immense popularity for building websites and online stores. While not exclusively an eCommerce platform, it becomes a powerful contender when combined with the WooCommerce plugin.

Key features of WordPress with WooCommerce include:

  • Flexibility and customisation: WordPress offers unparalleled customisation options, allowing you to create a unique online store.
  • Cost-effective: While hosting and premium themes have costs, the initial setup is generally cheaper than Shopify’s.
  • Scalability: WordPress can accommodate businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.
  • Control: You have complete control over your website and its data.
Understanding WordPress

Head-to-Head Comparison

Ease of Use and Setup

Design and Customisation



User-friendly interface with a straightforward setup process.



Requires more technical knowledge and time to set up, especially for those unfamiliar with CMS platforms.

Design and Customisation



Offers a variety of customisable themes, but customisation options are limited compared to WordPress.



Provides extensive design flexibility through themes and plugins.

eCommerce Features and Functionality

Pricing and Additional Costs



Built-in eCommerce features, including payment processing, shipping, and inventory management.



Requires WooCommerce plugin for core eCommerce functionalities, offering similar features but with more flexibility.

Pricing and Additional Costs



Subscription-based pricing with various plans to choose from. Additional costs for payment processing, shipping, and premium apps.



Lower upfront costs but ongoing expenses for hosting, domain, and potentially premium themes and plugins.

SEO Capabilities

Payment and Shipping Options



Strong built-in SEO features and tools.



Offers excellent SEO capabilities through plugins like Yoast SEO, providing more control over optimisation.

Payment and Shipping Options



Integrates with multiple payment gateways and offers shipping solutions.



Requires integration with payment and shipping providers through plugins.

Scalability and Growth Potential



Can handle growing businesses with scalability options.



Highly scalable and can accommodate large-scale eCommerce operations with proper infrastructure.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Business

Selecting the ideal platform depends on various factors:

  • Technical expertise: If you have limited technical knowledge, Shopify is a better option.
  • Design flexibility: WordPress with WooCommerce is preferable for businesses requiring high customisation.
  • Budget: Consider the initial setup costs and ongoing expenses for both platforms.
  • Scalability: If you anticipate significant growth, WordPress offers more flexibility.
  • Time constraints: Shopify’s faster setup time might benefit businesses with tight deadlines.


Both Shopify and WordPress offer compelling features for online stores. The best choice ultimately depends on your business goals, budget, and technical expertise. By carefully evaluating your needs and considering the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, you can make an informed decision that sets your online store up for success.

Web Design Owl is a Melbourne-based web design agency specialising in Shopify and WordPress development. With a deep understanding of both platforms, they can help you create a high-performing online store tailored to your needs. Their eCommerce design, development, and marketing expertise ensures your business thrives in the competitive online marketplace.

frequently asked questions

Yes, Shopify can accommodate large-scale businesses. It offers scalability options and can handle high traffic volumes.

 While basic HTML and CSS knowledge can be helpful, many WordPress tasks can only be accomplished with coding. However, coding skills are beneficial for advanced customisation.

While Shopify offers customisation options, they are more limited than WordPress’s. However, Shopify’s app store provides additional customisation possibilities.

 Migrating from one platform to another is possible but can be time-consuming and complex. It’s generally recommended to carefully consider your options before choosing a platform.


Gayan Perera

Gayan Perera

Gayan Perera, Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at PMGS Digital since 2010. With a bachelor’s degree in online systems, Gayan specialises in Online Systems, Web Development, Google Analytics, SEO, Google Ads, Social Ads and CRM Integrations. In addition to those, Gayan enjoys creating videos and content to educate people about those areas.

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